2024 Business Walk
November 15th
Volunteer to meet with Businesses!
Help us Collect Feedback on the Region's Business Climate
You will be assigned to a small team of volunteers who will be visiting businesses and conducting a brief interview with the owner to ask for input on doing business in the region and what can be improved.
Visits will be scheduled between 11am - 2pm on Friday, November 15th and will take about 15 minutes.
This year, teams of interviewers will be visiting businesses in Newport County. This area includes Jamestown, Little Compton, Middletown, Newport, Portsmouth and Tiverton.
Information gathered from the interviews will be included with the results of our annual business survey. Questions? See our FAQ
Click the button below to sign up as a volunteer!
Business Walk FAQs
What is a Business Walk?
A Business Walk brings together business owners, local leaders and government representatives to gather feedback about the current business climate.
The goal is to identify what parts of the economy are working well and where resources or policies might be implemented to remove barriers to business success.
When is it?
Friday, November 15h, 2024, from 11am -2pm
Where will it be?
​​We will be visiting businesses in Newport County. This area includes Jamestown, Little Compton, Middletown, Newport, Portsmouth and Tiverton. ​
Who will we be interviewing?
You will meet with business owners representing different industries from across the region.
How are the interviews conducted?
You will be assigned to a small team of interviewers.
In most cases, your team will be able to walk a short distance from business to business. Where businesses might be located further apart, we will arrange for carpooling. If you have any mobility concerns, please indicate this in the comments section of the sign up form.
On the morning of the interview, there will be a designated meeting place to gather with your team. A Business Walk representative will be there to greet you and be available to assist.
What will we be asking businesses?
We will provide your team with a short questionnaire. You will ask questions like
How is your business doing?
What do you like about doing business here?
What could be done to improve the business climate?
Each business interview will be about 15 minutes. Our goal is to understand the health of business and what support they might need to remove any obstacles to their growth.
I know a business that would like to participate, how do they sign up?
Businesses who are actively operating in Newport County can participate. Register a business for a visit here
Who is organizing the Business Walk?​
The business walk is organized by the Greater Newport Chamber of Commerce through its regional economic development division, Connect Greater Newport.
Connect Greater Newport launched in 2018 to lead a public private partnership with resources from Bristol and Newport Counties to support the growth of existing businesses and to serve as a resource to attract new companies to the region.
How will the information from the interviews be used?
Information collected from the interviews will be developed into a report with recommendations that will be shared with all participants, government officials, business leaders and the broader community to help meet the needs of our businesses.
Who can I contact for more information?
Our Executive Coordinator, Jo-Anne Gordon, will be happy to assist. Contact Jo-Anne